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Steel structure platform

Name: Steel Structure Platform
Telephone number: 0574-88138184
Mobile phone: 13967815187

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Product Details

Steel platforms are well known. Modern steel platform has many forms and functions. The most important feature of this structure is that it is fully assembled and its design is flexible. It can design and manufacture steel products that meet the site requirements, and meet the logistics requirements according to different site conditions. Steel structure platform is widely used in modern storage.
1. Composition:
Platform structure usually consists of slab_. Platform structure usually consists of slab_main and secondary beam_column support, trapezoidal rail main and secondary beam_column support, and trapezoidal diagram_column support.
2. Classification:
According to the use requirements, it can be divided into indoor and indoor platforms, static and dynamic load platforms, production assistant platforms, and medium and heavy steel structure platforms.
According to the different treatment methods of support, the platform structure can also be divided into:
1) Platforms are placed directly on tripods or brackets of factory columns, usually used as safe passages or simple medium-sized operating platforms.
2) The pillars of the building or the walls of the building support one side, and the other side has a platform with independent pillars.
3) Platform supported by large equipment.
4) All are independent platforms.
For platforms bearing large dynamic loads or gravity, the column should be disconnected from the factory column and supported directly on the independent column.

